10. Digi Booster Pro v2.21 erschienen

�Digi Booster pro 2.21 released


Originaldisk & p+p 

   - supports following formats: XM, S3M, MMD0-MMD3 (Octamed/SS), MOD (4-32  
     CHN) OKTALYZER and DIGI (Digi Booster 1.x)

   - MP1/2/3 import

   - TB 303 emulator

   - saving/loading modules with MP3 encoded samples (68k/PPC)

   - CGX and P96 support

   - mixer  (HD  rendering) option included which allow to render
     your module to AIFF or AIFC sample then you are able to convert these
     formats e.g. to CDDA or MPEG audio formats

   - realtime DSP effects: echo, cross echo, delay, cross delay, hall and
     works on defined channels; it means that you are able to active DSP
     with selected tracks

   - optional 32 bit HIFI mixing with linear interpolation in realtime

   - Export *.XM files (4-32 channels) - not in unregistered version

   - Export .MOD MOD. files (4-32 channels) - not in unregistered version

   - up  to 128 channels (4/6/8/10/..../128)

   - up to 7 octaves

   - unlimited sample size

   - AHI support (at this moment there's support for following sound card:
     Tocatta,Delfina,Wavetools,Prelude,Melody,Maestro,Concierto  and of
     course for Paula)

   - DeliTracker, EaglePlayer and Hippo player support

   - source code of player included

   - two  different commands in one line and in same time.  It means that   
     you can use for example:  sample offset command 9xx and vibrato 4xx

   - 8 and 16 bit audio modes (so you can load to Digi Booster 16 bit
     samples)  formats  supported:   IFF8SVX  ;  IFF16SV  ;  RIFFWAV 8BIT ;

Changes in V2.21

- prepared to work with AHI PPC, tested with beta version of AHI PPC
  and seems to work very fine

- few fixes in TB303 editor/emulator (should now save all parameters in
  tb303 patterns)

- added Clear button in TB303 editor

- removed some bugs from XM loader/saver

- improoved 10 band graphics equalizer, works better now

- few gfx bugs fixed

- added some speed-ups

- a lot of small and annoying bugs removed�

(Quelle: APC&TCP)